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Tony Bryant

Senior Director Strategic Partnerships, Sinch
United States

Tony is the Senior Director Strategic Partnerships at Sinch.   At Sinch Tony is tasked with identifying partners who serve major industries and brands that can benefit from partnering with Sinch.  As the leading Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) Sinch is in a unique position to have a direct positive impact on the customer experience through our partner ecosystem.

Tony has been in the mobile technology industry for more than 25 years, of which 10 years have been dedicated to partnerships in one form or another.  Tony is also an angel investor and has held leadership roles in disruptive startups as well as large multinationals.  Tony Co-Founded Blackphone, the world’s first fully encrypted Android smartphone and winner of the MWC 2014 award for the most innovative smartphone.  Tony holds both European and US citizenship and has travelled to more than 43 countries.   Tony is passionate about food, friendships, wine, and travel.   Tony previously owned an award-winning vineyard in Spain for 10 years.

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