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Bust Out Your Members Only Jacket!: PL;DR 9/24

Partnerships as the key to sustainability, social media platforms fight for relevance, and more. Dig into it all in this week's PL;DR!

Howdy, Partners! It’s officially Autumn which means it’s time to pull your hoodies and Patagonia vests out of the closet, grab a Pumpkin Spice Latte, and dig into this week’s headlines! 

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Gig Workers (and others) Demand More in the Digital Age

After the pandemic increased how much we all rely on gig workers, the industry is finally getting improved working conditions.

Social Media Platforms Attempt to Stay Relevant

These social media platforms are doing their best to stay relevant in our ever-evolving digital world. Explore what Twitter & Clubhouse have been up to.

Partnerships are the Future of Sustainable Businesses

Alliances are essential to our future. These three companies are working toward a sustainable future with the help of partnerships.

Fall for a New Role

There’s something different in the air this week! Is it a cool fall breeze? Or a cool new gig? Be the one to decide.

Other news we’re watching

  • If you think birds are government-mandated listening devices, wait until you hear this — Microchips the size of a grain of sand have been developed to fly through the air to track pollution and diseases. 
  • Send your SEO research right to — Yesterday, Semrush announced their new integration with, allowing users to access real-time keyword metrics, without leaving their project management program.
  • Find some more focus time in your day — Tired of spending all day in meeting after meeting, with short breaks in between that are a little too long for a coffee break, but not long enough to get actual work done? We came across this app this week that makes it easier to schedule work time in your day. Clockwise syncs with your calendar to optimize your schedule, can even schedule lunch breaks for you and adjust meetings with your team members to give you more focus time.

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