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Broadband, Reddit, and Your Next Partnerships Position: PL;DR 8/13

Discover the latest in tech and investment news with the PL;DR from Partnership Leaders.

We’ve all shifted the way we work over the last year. Offices were traded for desks in our living room. Work slacks were traded for those sweatpants you haven’t washed in a few weeks.

Now, the traditional 5-day work week may be done too. As workers are increasingly in search of the alluring work-life balance, many are opting for 4-day work weeks. Will you be adopting this new normal? Let us know in #watercooler.

The PL;DR is brought to you in partnership with xAmplify.


Biden Brings You Broadband

Families without access to the internet have struggled with the recent pandemic moving everything online. Explore Biden’s recent efforts to solve the digital divide.

The Driver of Your Favorite Stonks Reaches New Heights

After shorting Wallstreet and driving all-around stock craziness, Reddit is about to reach a new height of its own.

Promoted Roles

Quantum Metric open jobs

Quantum Metric is growing their team and they’re looking for partnerships rockstars like you!

Quantum Metric is hiring for dozens of other roles. Explore them all!

More Roles to Explore in Partnerships

Partnerships roles

Looking for a new role in time for Q4? Look no further…

Other News We’re Watching

  • Browse your favorite fake shows & movies on Nestflix — Ever wanted to watch Horsin’ Around or Threat Level Midnight? Well, you still can’t, but you can browse them and more of your favorite fake shows on Nestflix.
  • Your morning scroll may look a little different — No, you’re not losing your mind. Twitter did change their font
  • Apple Wallet makes updates just in time for back-to-school — Amid resurfacing COIVD-19 concerns, Apple is introducing new minimal-contact options. Now, students can use their ID in Apple Wallet on their phone or Apple Watch instead of carrying around plastic cards.

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