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Baristas Serving Up Hot NFTs

Plus: Clippy makes a modern-day appearance.

Happy Friday! This United Airlines passenger in Chicago perfectly summarizes how we’re feeling for the weekend – it couldn’t be here soon enough!

Let’s take a look at some of the latest tech news throughout the world before we take off for the weekend! ✈️

Extra NFTs, No Sugar, Light Ice

Starbucks attempts to recaffeinate a flatlining NFT industry.

Never Forget Your Password Ever Again

Tech giants are partnering up to create a passwordless future.

Other news we’re watching

  • Clippy is here to pwn noobsEnhance your Halo nameplate with an adorable and less annoying version of your favorite paperclip.
  • Tropicana takes on Big Milk — In an attempt to snag some of the market share from the preferred choice to pour on cereal, Tropicana announced a cereal intended to be served with orange juice.
  • Now’s your chance to see spider monkey BatmanThe newest member of Gotham City was born in Florida. Fortunately for you, Catalyst 2022 will be held in Miami this year!

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